Learn to write blurbs that SIZZLE with sexual tension, PULSE
with passion and SEDUCE your readers in seconds flat!



The ultimate guide to writing hot AF back covers that have readers BEGGING to buy your books!

Are you...

Struggling to describe your characters' chemistry in just a few sentences?

Confused about whether to use third person, first person, or dual person POV?

Overwhelmed by the need to be witty, sexy, concise and professional ALL AT ONCE?!

Freaking out about self-publishing in an oversaturated market?

Sick of using the same old cliches when you know YOUR book deserves to be a standout?

It's time to unlock the spice cabinet...

Writing steamy blurbs is all about playing smarter, not harder.

  Knowing when to use detail, and when to tease...

Conveying chemistry with sizzling certainty...

Knowing how to paint pictures that leave readers in a daze...

And hitting every button in the Feels Factory!

Students say...

"I loved The Spicy Book Blurb Playbook. So insightful. You are a master of teaching subjects. That is not an overstatement. You have no idea how many books I read on this subject as well as other courses that never explained the basis of what is in a blurb and why they perform well or badly. You are a godsend. I finally get it. Plus, your critique help is just the icing on the cake."

~ Art Saborio

"The blurb I wrote using SBP is more concise and gets the emotional conflict of my story much more than my previous [one]. It's specific to my characters and their particular arcs and doesn't rely on generic questions as filler. It also has a much stronger opening hook and CTA at the end. I loved this course and definitely think it was worth the money. I'll revisit it every time I need to tweak or write a blurb from now on.

~ Libby Waterford

"Buy it. Think of it as an investment in your sanity. This course has been almost shockingly comprehensive, but also somehow accessible. I think it would be impossible to take this course without learning at least a few useful tricks." 


~ Rory London

The Spicy Blurb Playbook will give you...

The REAL DEAL on writing blurbs in first and dual person POV (previously a massive no-no)!

A simple method for pinpointing what makes your characters VIBE...and how to convey their unique spark in just a few words.

How to describe drool-worthy hotties that practically appear right before your readers' eyes

Lusty literary techniques that are MAGIC for romance blurbs!

How to use hidden themes to skyrocket your spice factor.

Quick-start templates and sooooo much more!

    Ready to write the spiciest blurbs of your LIFE? 

Enter your details below for instant access!

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ONE-TIME OFFER: Spicy Blurb Starters (just $17)
You'll get access to SIX fill-in-the-blanks blurb templates (2x first person POV, 2x dual first person POV, 2x dual third person POV) to get your blurbs off to a flying start! I ONLY sell this to new SBP customers, so make sure you grab this today. Steal my best sentence-starters, paragraph transitions, storytelling techniques and CTA phrases, fill with your own characters and plot points and press 'publish' in record time! THIS KIT WILL SERIOUSLY SPEED UP YOUR BLURB WRITING.

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The Spicy Blurb Playbook$87

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Spicy Blurb Playbook$87

All prices in USD

I want you to feel confident investing in The Spicy Blurb Playbook, so I'm giving you 30 days to learn and implement everything within the program, and feel at ease knowing that if you're not 100% satisfied, I will happily buy the program back from you. 

 While I can't guarantee that you'll match this one-time investment with book sales in under a week, I am super confident that you'll have everything you need to write high quality, professional book blurbs that stand out in the overcrowded book market time and again.

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