The "Hidden" Formula of Bestselling Blurbs — Revealed!

Dear Indie Author, 

Have you ever wondered whether there's an easier way to write your book blurb? 

A way to know what to include, and where? 

There is! 


In this FREE downloadable PDF, you'll learn the hidden formulas of salesworthy book blurbs (both fiction and non-fiction!), so you can start writing your back cover description with confidence — and attract all the right readers!

Here’s the thing… 

 If you're been struggling to keep your blurb in the vicinity of 200 words...

are confused about which plot points to include (and which to leave out?!)...

can't bring yourself to even START the blurb because it all seems too hard... 

You're not alone. 

Thousands of authors struggle to write their blurb because the truth is — the information out there is confusing, unhelpful and often just plain wrong. 

And when they try to "analyse" bestseller blurbs to see the secret? 

It's often not obvious to the untrained eye. 

In this PDF you'll discover the simple and effective way to write fiction and non-fiction blurbs that sell, by learning the formula that underpins 90% of professional back cover descriptions. 

And it’s FREE!

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